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【澳大利亚入籍考试模拟题库英文版本】 (中篇)









Rank: 4

发表于 2013-12-10 11:13:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
41. How long have Indigenous Australians been living in Australia?
a. Over 80,000 years
b. Between 60,000 and 80,000 years
c. Between 40,000 and 60,000 years
d. Between 20,000 and 40,000 years
42. Who is the native Australian plant, the banksia, named after?
a. James Cook
b. Joseph Banks
c. Lachlan Macquarie
43. All Australians are required to follow Judeo-Christian ethics: true orfalse?
a. False
b. True
44. What percentage of Australia’s population were born overseas?
a. 46%
b. 37%
c. 22%
d. 8%
45. What is Australia’s national anthem
a. Advance Australia Fair
b. Waltzing Matilda
c. God Save the Queen
46. What name are Australian soldiers often known by?
a. Shovels
b. Diggers
c. Builders
47. What happened in the 1850s that triggered a new wave of migration to Australia?
a. Land was available for free
b. The British government agreed to pay for most of the voyage
c. Gold was discovered
48. What did Aboriginal people do, in protest at their treatment, on the 150th anniversary of European settlement in 1938?
a. Staged a day of mourning in Sydney
b. Staged a cultural gathering at Ayers Rock/Uluru
c. Staged a national walkout from workplaces
49. What is the name of the passage of water between Australia and Tasmania?
a. Torres Strait
b. Macquarie Strait
c. Bass Strait
d. Cook Strait
50. Which of these statements is correct about the Queen’s role in Australia?
a. The Queen makes all final decisions regarding government in Australia
b. The Queen does not play a day-to-day role in Australia’s government
c. The Queen shares power equally with the Prime Minister

51.How does the standard of living in Australia compare to that in other countries?
a. It is low compared to most of the world’s large industrial economies
b. It is among the top 10 in the world
c. It is similar to most undeveloped countries

52. What is generally agreed to be the greatest killer of Aboriginal people since European settlement?
a. Disease
b. War
c. Poverty

53. What special day is held on 11 November each year?
a. Christmas Day
b. Anzac Day
c. Remembrance Day

54. What colours are the Aboriginal flag?
a. Blue, green, black and white
b. Red, black and yellow
c. Gold, green and white
d. Red, white and blue

55. When did convicts stop coming to mainland Australia?
a. 1760
b. 1945
c. 1840

56. How wide is Australia from east to west?
a. 8,000 kilometres
b. 6,000 kilometres
c. 4,000 kilometres
d. 2,000 kilometres

57. What was discovered in Kalgoorlie in Western Australia in the 1890s?
a. Coal
b. Gold
c. Oil

58. What made Australia’s first European settlers unique?
a. They were convicts
b. They were American
c. They were English

59. All Australians are free to say or write what they think about any subject,issue or person, so long as they do not endanger people, defame anyone orobstruct the free speech of others: true or false
a. False
b. True

60. Which military campaign in 1915 resulted in 25,000 Australian casualties?
a. Gallipoli
b. Guadalcanal
c. Passchendaele

61. When was the Australian Capital Territory established?
a. 1911
b. 1901
c. 1840
d. 1788

62. After World War II Australia operated a large scale programme to bring migrants from countries of which continent?
a. Africa
b. Asia
c. Europe

63. What is Australia’s national language?
a. Australia has no official national language
b. Aboriginal
c. Australian
d. English

64. What percentage of Australians describe themselves as Christian?
a. Three quarters
b. Half
c. One-third
d. Two-thirds

65. When will you say these words? ‘I pledge my loyalty to Australia and its people whose democratic beliefs I share’.
a. When you sing the Australian national anthem
b. When you say the Australian Citizenship Pledge
c. When you receive your Australian passport

66. Which authority agreed in 1824 that the name ‘Australia’ be used officially?
a. The Cabinet
b. The Commonwealth
c. The British Admiralty

67. In what year did the European settlement of Australia start?
a. 1829
b. 1803
c. 1788
d. 1606

68. What is an example of a matter that state and territory governments are responsible for?
a. Drains
b. Police
c. Rubbish collection

69. The Commonwealth Parliament has two houses. What are they called?
a. The House of Representatives and the Senate
b. Canberra and the Town Hall
c. The House of Lords and the House of Commons

70. In what year did Australia come together in a federation?
a. 1875
b. 1886
c. 1901
d. 1945

71. What is the capital of Queensland?
a. Brisbane
b. Darwin
c. Perth
d. Sydney

72. Who was Australia’s first international opera prima donna?
a. Nancy Bird Walton
b. Evonne Goolagong
c. Dame Nellie Melba

73. What was the name of the first women elected to the Commonwealth Parliament?
a. Dame Enid Lyons
b. Nancy Bird Walton
c. Evonne Goolagong

74. What did Edith Cowan achieve for the first time in 1923?
a. She became Australia’s first female Prime Minister
b. She flew solo across Australia
c. She was the first woman elected to aparliament in Australia

75. What was the outcome of an attempt to make Australia a republic in 1999?
a. It was successful
b. It was defeated
c. It was delayed for ten years

76.When was the Australian flag first flown?
a. 12 July 1971
b. 30 May 1955
c. 3 September 1901

77. What was the name of James Cook’s ship?
a. The Endeavour
b. The Beagle
c. The Enterprise

78. How many states are there in Australia?
a. Nine
b. Eight
c. Two
d. Six

79. An individual’s vote in an election is a publicly viewable document: trueor false
a. False
b. True

80. How tall is Australia from north to south?
a. 10,000 kilometres
b. 8,800 kilometres
c. 5,500 kilometres
d. 3,700 kilometres






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