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发表于 2013-12-8 19:07:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
《泰晤士高等教育》今天公布了其2014金砖国家和新兴经济体大学排名,这是全球首次对巴西、俄罗斯、印度、中国和南非以及17个其它新兴经济体的高等院校所作的排名。  此次排名是《泰晤士高等教育》世界大学排名的一个分支,采用的标准同为世界大学排名所依据的13项独立、严格的考评指标,覆盖了现代大学在教学、研究、知识传播与国际交流等各个核心任务方面的表现。  本次创新性排名打破了传统的五大成长型“金砖”国家的范畴,囊括了更多国家和地区。金砖国家的概念于12年前首次提出,现在人们认为这一概念范围过于狭窄,因而实际意义不大。此次突破,更好地反映了当前的经济形势,提供了丰富的也更为广泛的快速增长经济体数据,同时也预示了良好的前景。本次排名共涉及22个被FTSE列为新兴经济体的国家和地区。  其中,中国在金砖国家和新兴经济体大学排名中高居榜首,斩获第一名和第二名席位(分别是北京大学和清华大学)。入围前10强的另外两所院校分别为中国科学技术大学(第6位)(研究成果引用方面得分较高)和复旦大学(第8位)。中国共有6所院校入围前20强,15所院校入围前50强,23所院校入围前100强。  台湾在前100强榜单中占据21席,其排名最高的大学是国立台湾大学(第4位)。入围前20强的另外两所院校分别为国立交通大学(第16位)和国立清华大学(第19位)。台湾共有九所院校入围前50强    在本次排名表中东南亚地区的院校表现良好。泰国高校虽然未入围前20强,但入围前100强的院校数量达到了5所。排名最高的是泰国国王科技大学(King Mongkut’s University of Technology)(第29位)其次是玛希隆大学(Mahidol University)(第52位)。  马来西亚有两所院校入围榜单,分别是马来西亚国立大学(第77为)和马来西亚普特拉大学(并列第95位)。  印尼和菲律宾虽在评选之列,但两国的高校均未入围前100强。  印度的入围院校的数量占到了排名总数的十分之一,在前50强中占据9席。排名最高的院校是印度总理曼莫汉·辛格的母校:旁遮普大学(并列第13位)。印度理工学院的各个分校获得了6个席位,其中印度理工学院卡拉格普尔分校(IIT Kharagpur)居首,列第30位。阿里格尔穆斯林大学排在第50位,尼赫鲁大学排在第57位。  巴西的旗舰院校圣保罗大学与前10强失之交臂。紧接着是坎皮纳斯州立大学(第24位)、里约热内卢联邦大学(并列第60位)和圣保罗州立大学(第87位),入围前100强的巴西院校共有4所。  俄罗斯仅有两所院校入围前100强,分别是排名第10位的莫斯科国立罗蒙诺索夫大学和排名第67位的圣彼得堡国立大学。  南非的开普敦大学排名仅次于两所中国院校,列第三位。南非共有5所院校入围前100强,其中4所在前50强榜内分别是:开普敦大学(第3位)、威特沃特斯兰德大学(第15位)、斯坦陵布什大学(第21位)和夸祖鲁?纳塔尔大学(第45位)。比勒陀利亚大学排在第78位。  《泰晤士高等教育》为全世界提供了最权威的、被引用最多的高校实力比较数据,而《泰晤士高等教育》金砖国家和新兴经济体大学排名是其榜单系列中的一个新成员。





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 楼主| 发表于 2013-12-8 19:08:00 | 显示全部楼层
Universities in China and the US to Step Up Collaboration
Chinese Vice Premier ********** and US Secretary of State John Kerry recently co-chaired the fourth China-US High-Level Consultation on People-to-People Exchange (CPE). The consultation, held in Washington DC, resulted in an “important consensus” being reached between the two countries: they will establish a new model of relationship, leveraged by factors such as the increased collaboration between universities in China and the US.
The China-US CPE (first held in 2010) aims to increase cooperation in six areas: education, science and technology, culture, women, youth and sports. Outcomes of the latest consultation include the maintenance and expansion of international student exchange programs, and the launch of bilateral and global science and technology forums.
Lui Yandong spoke of the introduction of think tank exchanges between scholars, expressing a hope that “Chinese and American scholars will carry out more joint research programs on such topics as how to build the new model of major country relationship”, which would facilitate policy recommendations. Meanwhile Kerry predicted that greater collaboration between universities in China and the US could have global benefits, by bringing together “the two largest polluters on earth to help combat the serious challenge of climate change”.
Promoting two-way international student exchange
Kerry praised last year’s CPE, which facilitated the Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistance Program, which enables students in the US to learn Mandarin from Chinese instructors. He said US participants have learned not only the language, but also about life in China.  ”Our educational exchanges are truly more widespread than ever before. And if I’m able to encourage that, as I hope to, they will be even more widespread over the course of these next years.”
An important component of this plan is the 100,000 Strong Foundation, an independent organization that started out as a US State Department initiative called the 100,000 Strong Initiative. This was instigated by Obama in 2009 and launched in 2010 with the goal of sending 100,000 US students to study in China by the end of 2014. The foundation provides scholarships, credit transfer programs, academic exchanges, summer study schemes and many more. It has also received substantial support from the Chinese government, which has made 20,000 scholarships available under the initiative.
While international student exchange between the two countries is still predominantly in one direction   from China to the US   there are also signs that a growing number of US students are choosing to spend time at universities in China. Over 235,000 Chinese students studied in the US last year, a growth of 21.4% from the previous year, while almost 15,000 US students studied in China in 2011/12   a growth of 2% from the previous year. Up to 8,000 of those US students were participants in the 100,000 Initiative.
The internationalization of universities in China
Greater collaboration with the US is just one factor in the ongoing internationalization of universities in China. Taking advantage of legislation passed in China in 2003, the UK’s University of Nottingham opened a campus in Ningbo, China in 2004. It caters for 5,000 students, who are all taught in English and awarded University of Nottingham degrees, while still experiencing Chinese culture.
China hopes to achieve something similar in the UK   a non-binding agreement has been signed regarding the establishment of a joint campus in collaboration between Zhejiang University and Imperial College London.
In September this year, China’s first joint venture university with the US, NYU Shanghai, opened to 300 students   half from China and half from overseas. Students are given a Western-style education and classes are taught in English, meaning that Shanghai locals can get a taste of what it’s like to study abroad, without actually leaving home.
In another first, Xiamen University will soon be opening a branch in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, making it the first Chinese institution to open a branch campus overseas. It aims to enroll one third of its students locally, one third from China and the remaining third from other countries, and is expected to be operational by September 2015.
These advances reflect a commitment to investment in the internationalization of universities in China in various forms, both by inviting more overseas students and scholars into the country, and by establishing new initiatives overseas.
New ranking of universities in China and other BRICS countries
On the first leg of her recent US visit, Chinese Vice Premier ********** pointed out that while “China has established the largest higher education system in the world”, its enrollment rate of 30% still “lags far behind advanced countries [and China] is ready to learn from universities in the United States and other countries”.
In light of the challenges facing universities in China and other emerging markets, QS is preparing to launch a new university ranking dedicated entirely to the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa).
The results of the first QS University Rankings: BRICS will be announced on 17 December 2013, and have been compiled using a methodology adapted from the QS World University Rankings® to reflect major priorities in the BRICS countries. Head of research at QS, Ben Sowter, has said the ranking should help raise the global profile of more BRICS universities as it “places less emphasis on internationalization factors and more on factors such as proportion of faculty with PhD”.

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-12-8 20:34:00 | 显示全部楼层
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Friday, 29 November 2013Best Student Cities 2014: Top 10 for Employer Activity
Want to make sure your degree leads to strong international employment prospects? Then you may be interested to find out which cities’ graduates are in highest demand among employers.
Below are the top 10 cities for employer activity, based on the 2014 QS Best Student Cities. One of five categories used to compile the overall index, the Employer Activity score is based on surveys of employers worldwide, who were asked to identify the universities they believe produce the best graduates.
Each city is awarded a score based on the number of employers who identify at least one of its institutions as producing excellent graduates, with extra points awarded for international employers. The aim is to give an idea of which cities’ universities are held in highest esteem not only by employers in the local area, but globally.
The cities listed below all also meet the general criteria for inclusion in the Best Student Cities list: a population over 250,000 and at least two QS-ranked institutions.
Best Student Cities for Employer Activity1. Singapore
With the maximum possible score for employer activity, this year’s top performing city/state of Singapore also scores highly in the overall QS Best Student Cities, coming third out of 50 cities (Paris came first; London second). The two top universities in Singapore have climbed a total of 40 places in the QS World University Rankings® since 2008: National University of Singapore from 30th to 24th; and Nanyang Technological University from 77th to 41st.
According to the latest Global Competitiveness Index (GCI), Singapore’s innovation-driven economy is the second most competitive in the world (Switzerland is first), and comes first in labor market efficiency. Little wonder that it comes second out of 148 states in its ability to attract talent. It also comes second in financial market development, which includes sound business investment.
Top universities: National University of Singapore (NUS); Nanyang Technological University (NTU)
2= Hong Kong
Hong Kong follows Singapore closely with a score of 96 for employer activity, and is ranked seventh in the Best Student Cities overall. The city’s top five institutions (listed below in ranked order) have been consistently within the top 200 in the QS World University Rankings since 2009, and a new institution, Lingnan University, has been added since last year.
Hong Kong performs very well on the GCI, with an overall rank of 7. It comes first for financial market development, hiring and firing practices, and pay and productivity, and fifth for its ability to attract talent.
Top universities: University of Hong Kong (HKU); Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST); Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK); City University of Hong Kong; Hong Kong Polytechnic University; Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU); Lingnan University (Hong Kong)
2= Milan
Like Hong Kong, Milan scores 96 for employer activity. As the industrial, commercial and financial center of Italy, Milan hosts the country’s largest banks and companies, including the Italian Stock Exchange. Its focus on business is echoed in the achievements of Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi, which is the top university in Italy for social sciences and management subjects (ranking 29th in the world, based on the QS World University Rankings by Faculty), including economics.
Top universities: Politecnico di Milano; Università degli Studi di Milano; Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore; University of Milano-Bicocca ; Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi
4= Paris
Paris comes topof the overall Best Student Cities index for the second year running, and fourth for employer activity with a score of 95. As the most populous city in France and with no less than 17 ranking Parisian universities, employers have plenty of choice among graduates.
Top universities: Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris (ENS Paris)[28]; Ecole Polytechnique ParisTech; Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC); Université Paris-Sud 11; Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7; Sciences Po Paris; Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV); Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne ; Université Paris Descartes; École des Ponts ParisTech; Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan; Université Paris Dauphine; Université Panthéon-Assas (Paris 2); Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense; ESCP Europe; ESSEC Business School, Paris; HEC Paris
4= London
Scoring the same as Paris for employer activity (95 out of 100), London just misses the top spot overall for best student city, losing some points for affordability. The UK’s capital and financial center is complemented by the largest number of top ranking institutions out of all the best student cities, including two that rank within the top 10 overall in the world: University College London (4th) and Imperial College London (5th). And the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) ranks 2nd worldwide for its social sciences and management faculty.
Top universities: UCL (University College London); Imperial College London; King's College London (KCL); London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE); Queen Mary, University of London (QMUL); Royal Holloway University of London; SOAS - School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London ; City University London; Brunel University; Birkbeck College, University of London; Goldsmiths, University of London; Kingston University, London; Middlesex University; London Metropolitan University; University of Greenwich; University of East London; London Business School; London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
6. Tokyo
Tokyo’s score of91 out of 100 for employer activity is perhaps unsurprising, considering its consistently strong performance in theGlobal 500, which lists the world’s top 500 corporations by revenue. Japan came 3rd last year in terms of the amount of listed companies (68), and around 70% of those companies are located in Tokyo.
The world’s most populous metropolis, Tokyo is home to 11 universities ranked by QS, including Japan’s leading institution, the University of Tokyo (32nd in the world).
Top universities: The University of Tokyo; Tokyo Institute of Technology; Keio University; Waseda University; Tokyo Medical and Dental University ; Tokyo University of Science; Tokyo Metropolitan University; Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology ; Ochanomizu University; Aoyama Gakuin University; Hitotsubashi University

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-12-8 20:38:00 | 显示全部楼层
7= Sydney
Australia’s largestand most densely populated city scores the same for employer activity (90 out of 100) as the remaining three on the list. But overall, it comes much higher, ranked 4th in the world, winning extra points for quality of living.
Around half of Australia’s top 500 companies are located in New South Wales (NSW), and most of those can be found in Sydney. It is the business and financial capital of NSW and accounts for 32% of Australia’s GDP. Two of its institutions rank within the world’s top 100: the University of Sydney and the University of New South Wales.
Top universities: University of Sydney; University of New South Wales (UNSW)[52]; Macquarie University; University of Technology, Sydney (UTS); University of Western Sydney
7= Melbourne
Following closelybehind Sydney in the overall Best Student Cities at 5th in the world, Melbourne loses points for affordability and quality of living, but scores the maximum 100 for student mix.
The relatively new Docklands development (which became part of the city in 2007) is now the headquarters for major corporations, such as the National Australia Bank, the Australia and New Zealand Banking Group and BHP Billiton. This means that three of the nine Australian companies listed in 2012’s Global 500 are in Melbourne. The area is still being developed, and is expected to be a major source of employment when it’s completed.
Australia’s second and sixth highest ranking institutions, the University of Melbourne (31st in the world) and Monash University (69th in the world), are located in the city.
Top universities: University of Melbourne; Monash University; RMIT University; Deakin University; La Trobe University; Swinburne University of Technology; Victoria University
7= Boston
Boston is alwaysgoing to be a popular choice, hosting the first and second leading institutions in the world (Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University), which have been consistently in the global top 10 since 2008.
Although Boston’s institutions are excellent, it falls down a bit on affordability, but this hasn’t affected its score of 90 out of 100 for employer activity.
It has recently ranked in the top quarter of the Forbes list of ‘Best Places for Business and Careers’ , where it came 38 out of 200 US cities. It also ranks 53rd for jobs growth.
Top universities: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT); Harvard University; Boston University; Tufts University; Brandeis University; Boston College; Northeastern University
7= Beijing
Finally, roundin out the top 10 is Beijing, which again scores 90 out of 100 for employer activity. It’s  a little lower in the overall Best Student Cities (18=), with lower scores for quality of living (55 out of 100) and student mix (57 out of 100).
That being said, its seven top institutions have a good reputation with employers, especially Peking University, Tsinghua University and Beijing Normal University. And the city itself, as capital of China, hosts 44 of the 73 Chinese corporations in the 2012 Global 500.
Top universities: Peking University; Tsinghua University; Beijing Normal University; Beihang University; Renmin (People’s) University of China; Beijing Institute of Technology; University of Science and Technology Beijing

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