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#学秘# 巴西的KOL Maria留学上海的故事:初抵上海,









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发表于 2019-12-30 16:13:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
#学秘# 巴西的KOL Maria留学上海的故事:初抵上海,被魔都的地铁搞得团团转
From Brazil San Paulo to Shanghai 魔都!
The path from the airport to the hotel already showed me how Shanghai would surprise me.
What to choose?
Public transportation, taxi, airport shuttle bus, private driver.. You have infinitive ways to go from the airport to the hotel, some are more expensive and comfortable, others more cheap and (a little bit) uncomfortable.
When I arrived, I wasn’t sure how I would go to the hotel. At first, I planned to take a taxi, but I wanted the first experience of using the public transportation, to feel and see more about this new place, the problem were my luggage but I wasn’t with much so I decided to do it (fun fact: I decided after I bought, in the airport, my SIM card, it was a kind of change of plans).
The metro station
If you arrive at Pudong International Airport, will be easy to find the options of transports (the airport has signs indicating the direction you need to follow), so the path until the metro entrance was really easy, no problems. The problem started when I had to buy the metro ticket.
I knew the name and the line that I needed to go, but I didn’t know that I had to select this information at the machine (that I was struggling to understand). After a few failed attempts, I did what every tourist will do in one way or another, I asked.
After a messy conversation with the metro officer, he bought the ticket in the machine for me and helped me to put my luggage in the scan machine (another information that was new to me).
Get in (again)
The airport is not that much close to where I would stay so I took a long time inside the metro, but in one station something happened.
After some words from the driver, everyone inside just got off the metro and others got in, it took me a few seconds to figure out what happened but when I realized that I should get off too, I was pushed back by all the people coming in (imagine how was the situation, I was with two luggages and one heavy backpack trying to go against a lot of people who really wanted to get in) It was funny to see.
So I went back to the last station, took the right train and changed the line.
Changing lines (or a little tour for the streets of Shanghai)
As I had luggage, I needed to use the elevator but, at first, I thought that I could use the stairs (silly mistake) .
The station had small, at first, stairs and, as I didn’t find the elevator right away and thought would be faster to walk to change the line, I decide to carry my luggage, but at some point, it was impossible to keep with it so my solution was looking for the elevator. Again, I needed to ask for the information and again language problems happened, but in the end I found out the elevator and, not just this, I could see the streets of Shanghai (because I need to go out from the station, cross the street and then get in in the other entrance of the metro station). I was amazed, all the tall buildings, the huge mall, the big streets I needed to cross, it all seemed like a dream.
Hotel finally!
And then I was back to the station, going to the right direction, stopping in the right station and finally finding the hotel afterlong and funnythree hours.
And you, do you have some funny stories about finding some place after long hours?
See ya!





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