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年入百万不是梦!!! 免费外贸培训课程- 您是否想了解亚马逊?









Rank: 4

发表于 2020-3-5 11:26:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式




Are you ready for the next 7 years selling on Amazon?

Register: https://www.massview.com/webinar-china

We’re hosting a live event this (Thursday at 9:00pm CST your time). we’re we’ll go over:
-How we went from $5.2 million in deals to being crushed by Amazon
-Amazon isn’t just changing it’s evolving and most merchants will end up on the streets
-Why this is the best time to start on Amazon
-We’ll show you our weird strategies that just us and our close group of sellers use to not just be 7 figure sellers but to have a 7 figure product.

I want to tell you a story. One about massive success and massive failure and how we a group of normal people just like you caused Amazon to change their terms of service...twice.

We founded Snagshout and when it was at its peak we processed $5.2 million in deals. Then Amazon changed their terms of service and it crushed us. The funny thing is when we started we just wanted other options besides sponsored products to get traffic to our listing. We honestly didn’t think it would become so big.

When Amazon changed their terms of service we took a long hard look at everything in the Amazon space and realized that Amazon changes every 7 years in BIG DRASTIC ways. Guess what, 2020 is exactly 7 years from the birth of “Private Labeling” on Amazon. Which means things are going to be different.

We’ve been selling on Amazon for 10 years and have seen some changes but this one is different. We traveled to China, spoke with our inner circles and informants, and have organized the principles that will keep our Amazon business winning for years to come.

If you’re new to selling on Amazon this is the best time to enter. If you are already selling on Amazon you need to include these new principles in your business to secure what you’ve built.

This Thursday we are hosting a live event we’re going to show you the new strategies that have helped 4,619 people rank on Amazon and how you can copy us and be prepared for the next 7 years of selling on Amazon.

In under 60 mins, we’ll show you our weird strategies that just us and our close group of sellers use to not just be 7 figure sellers but to have a 7 figure product.

This live event will feature these three presenters who have accomplished exactly what you want but started right where you are.

Jesse Fortenberry - Jesse is a career market researcher and has worked on projects for Pizza Hut, Snapple, Adobe, and MGM Grand hotels in Las Vegas. Before coming to Massview 2 years he conducted opportunity analysis for the Jeep Wrangler aftermarket after the new JL launch. He still remembers feeling nervous after sending in his first FBA shipment 4 years ago.

Tavish Phillips - Tavish is also an Amazon merchant and is head of our managed services and he has personally helped over 400 merchants rank on Amazon.

Paul Johnson - He was the co-founder of Seller Labs which went on to be on the Inc 500. Tavish and Paul were both instrumental and bringing tools like Feedback Genius the automated email follow up tool and Snagshout the first platform of its kind. They both have been on the bleeding edge of bringing more traditional business tools to Amazon merchants. Paul also can remember the first time he helped a merchant rank on Amazon. He says there’s something special about that when you can do it for others and not just yourself.

This is a FREE web class you don’t want to miss. We have 200 seats and once there gone there gone, reserve your spot today!

Also, all our events are live there will be no replay of the event.

点击这里注册:Click here to register:


微信: ruth6tcl36





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